Category Technology

Why you should build your own computer

How to build a computer

I first began tinkering with computers when an 80/88 was top of the line and the most memory you needed was 256KB. My most recent building project put together a very speedy, and very cost effective system based on an…

The failure of social media games

Any game that involves two or more people could be called a social game, in that it requires players to interact with each other. However, not all games are truly social – having social, team-based game-play, rather than solitary, individual…

The Nikon D90

In August of 2007 I decided to purchase a small, lightweight point-and-shoot digital camera. In a post about the camera I said, “…I’m a purist… I would never give up my film camera for digital….” Over the past year and…

Google Analytics on RedBubble


I’ve been using RedBubble since October of this year to sell some of my photographs. It’s a great site, with a thriving, fun artist community. The site is still relatively young, and is missing a few features that would be…

MythTV III: The Final Chapter

My final post on MythTV revolves around tweaking MythTV and Ubuntu. I’ve picked up a number of ideas from a variety of sites and compiled the tricks, tips, hacks, and configurations that work best for my setup. You can read…

Ghost RAIDs

I ran into the same problem in each of the two Ubuntu installs that I recently completed. The initial install failed, and the RAID arrays I had setup could not be deleted. This became a seemingly insurmountable obstacle in the…

MythTV II: Return of MythTV

Less than a year ago I ventured into the realm of MythTV. My previous ramblings on the subject dealt almost entirely with the hardware end of things. I decided to use the lasted releases of Ubuntu and MythTV as an…

MSI motherboard sports Stirling engine

Micro-Star International recently announced that it will be offering a motherboard with a Stirling engine-powered cooling fan for the northbridge. This device would reduce total electricity usage, and be a “more ECO-friendly design.” Yet, I’m not convinced that a Stirling…

Fetch-playing robot!

If you’ve every owned a dog that loves to play fetch, you know that it can sometimes feel like hours of ball tossing before your dog’s eagerness to run after the fuzzy yellow tennis ball runs out. Rather than wearing…