Tag Gallery

Gallery: December ’07

Here I start to play with color balance and exposure

It has snowed more in the past two weeks than it has for the past two winters, and it’s only December 20th. Having finished snowing this evening for the third time in 8 days, I decided to do some night…

Gallery: Hamilton House

Last weekend Leah and I visited Hamilton House, a historic house maintained by Historic New England, in South Berwick, Maine. It’s a beautiful location on the Salmon Falls River, with an ornamental garden and very scenic grounds. I was able…

A few recent images

Here are four images that I took on recent trips to Portsmouth, NH. I haven’t created a Portsmouth gallery yet, but I will when there are a few more images.

Gallery: Arkansas – Aug ’07

Tom and Jared do doubles.

I just returned from a trip to Arkansas, and here are a few pictures. They’re all pictures of us out on the water. It was in the 90’s all week, and being on the lake was the best way to…

Gallery: Engagement

Prescott Park

Yesterday afternoon, August 4th 2007, I asked Leah to marry me. We spent the day in Portsmouth New Hampshire. Portsmouth is a beautiful coastal town, it has many wonderful little shops and great restaurants. We walked around Prescott Park, which…

Gallery change

It’s amazing what can prompt you to update your website, and what a huge chain reaction that can be. This all started about a month ago when I returned from a trip to California. I had taken a few images…

Gallery: California, 07

Golden Gate Bridge

I’ve made several updates to the gallery recently. Besides the major change of implementing the flash gallery, I’ve also uploaded pictures of our recent trip to California. Update: August 2007: I’ve changed the gallery system for jseggers.com. Galleries are now…

Updates, glorious updates!

You may have noticed that there have been some major changes around here. I’m pleased to tell you that I’ve now set up WordPress for my site. This will allow me to make new posts to the site with great…

Back from California

Leah and I have just returned from a six-day trip to the San Francisco bay area of California. It was a great trip; we had some wonderful moments on the beach and in the city. I’ll upload images to the…