Lunar Eclipse

I nearly forgot about last night’s lunar eclipse, had it not been for a reminder phone call from Leah. The moon was a wonderful rust-brown color; and the eclipse, at the time of the photograph, was almost full.
The photograph of the moon shows the outer limits of the Leica D-LUX 3’s lens and zoom capabilities. This image was taken at full digital zoom: 16x magnification. I’d like to say outright that the blurriness is due to the extreme magnification; however, during the 8-second exposure even the slightest wind-induced wobble of the tripod would have greatly diminished the sharpness of the image.
Leica makes a mount that allows the D-LUX 3 to attach to a Leica spotting scope. This would have been a great, albeit costly, tool for capturing a sharp image of the moon.