Tag Photography

Gallery: Summer, 05

In the summer of 2005, I worked for a small summer camp as the Assistant Maintenance Director. I took many pictures with my camera phone of this fun and exciting summer (the camp caught on fire, that’s exciting! Well, the…

Date Discrepancy

You may be wondering why there is such a big date discrepancy with posts, they seem to jump from 2004 to 2007! Well there’s a good reason for that. I only recently implemented wordpress, which gives me the ability to…

Gallery: Road trip

After graduation in 2002 my younger brother and I went on a three week cross-county road trip. I started in New York City and drove west through Rochester, NY (to pick up some personal things) and then to Ohio to…

Gallery: NYC

I lived in New York City and interned at the International Center of Photography from January to May 2002. While living and interning there I had many opportunities to photograph the city. The city has a tremendous variety of strengths,…

Gallery: Alice in Wonderland

The Alice in Wonderland Sculpture in New York City’s Central Park is one of the most popular destinations for children interested in climbing fine art. Crafted by Jose de Creeft, it has been a favorite landmark in Central Park since…

Gallery: 3_11_2002

Six months after the September 11th terrorist attacks NYC honored those who perished at The World Trade Center with a light memorial called “Tribute in Light”. At the time I was living in New York City, completing an internship at…

Gallery: Fall, 01

In the fall of 2001, I gained tremendous insight into my own abilities thanks to Bruno Chalifour. His teaching method was sometimes irreverent, often brutally honest, and always entertaining. Our first assignment this year was to “express change.” I decided…

Gallery: Telescope

I own a Meade EXT90 telescope, which is a reasonably small but powerful telescope. I can attach my cannon camera to the telescope to take high-powered images. The four photos are from the top of an eleven-story building in Rochester.…