Category News

What is art?

All art is expression. The ability of an artist to successfully portray expression through their art is more important than technical ability. All art has a message, has something to say about the world and the artist. For this reason,…

To the moon!

I took advantage of the fair weather and clear sky Tuesday night to make an attempt at getting some pictures of the full moon with my new Nikon D90 and Meade ETX 90 telescope. Due to the scope’s enormous focal…

The Nikon D90

In August of 2007 I decided to purchase a small, lightweight point-and-shoot digital camera. In a post about the camera I said, “…I’m a purist… I would never give up my film camera for digital….” Over the past year and…

100 Things

It’s the holidays and the end of the year, a good time for reflection – and writing easy blog posts. This list of things comes from bagelundercouch, leahsiddall, skoolie, and leahculver. The colored things are the things that I’ve done.…

Google Analytics on RedBubble


I’ve been using RedBubble since October of this year to sell some of my photographs. It’s a great site, with a thriving, fun artist community. The site is still relatively young, and is missing a few features that would be…

MythTV III: The Final Chapter

My final post on MythTV revolves around tweaking MythTV and Ubuntu. I’ve picked up a number of ideas from a variety of sites and compiled the tricks, tips, hacks, and configurations that work best for my setup. You can read…

MythTV II: Return of MythTV

Less than a year ago I ventured into the realm of MythTV. My previous ramblings on the subject dealt almost entirely with the hardware end of things. I decided to use the lasted releases of Ubuntu and MythTV as an…

Happy leap day!

Everyone knows that leap years come once every 4 years. Unless the year is divisible by 100, then it’s skipped. Unless, of course, that year is also divisible by 400, then there is a leap day. (For example, 1600 and…

Lunar Eclipse

I nearly forgot about last night’s lunar eclipse, had it not been for a reminder phone call from Leah. The moon was a wonderful rust-brown color; and the eclipse, at the time of the photograph, was almost full. The photograph…