Category News

Maybe it’s time for digital?

I’ve been avoiding purchasing a digital camera for a long time, mainly because I’m a purist, but also because I like working in the darkroom for hours with film and paper, coming out smelling like fixer and hypo. Besides those…

Updates, glorious updates!

You may have noticed that there have been some major changes around here. I’m pleased to tell you that I’ve now set up WordPress for my site. This will allow me to make new posts to the site with great…

Back from California

Leah and I have just returned from a six-day trip to the San Francisco bay area of California. It was a great trip; we had some wonderful moments on the beach and in the city. I’ll upload images to the…

Date Discrepancy

You may be wondering why there is such a big date discrepancy with posts, they seem to jump from 2004 to 2007! Well there’s a good reason for that. I only recently implemented wordpress, which gives me the ability to…